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As part of the project we have asked people to submit testimonials regarding breast issues they have experienced which will be also part of the project. All testimonials are anonymous..

At 12 years old I was a DD cup size. The back pain was and bruised/cut shoulders was intense at times, as was the un wanted male attention.

At 16 I visited my GP to discuss a possible breast reduction. After researching the surgery I opted out.

I wore very baggy cloths for many year which hid my figure but in my early 20's I embraced by curves and worked hard at strengthening my back and improving my posture to help heal with the pain.


After finding a lump on my breast in my mid 20's, which was diagnosed an non threatening, I put all breast issues and insecurities aside.

I encourage everyone male and female to check your breast/chest regularly and learn to love yourself and your body. Be proud of who you are and all that you have. True beauty starts inside.



Im doing this for a friend who recently had to help her mum through a double mastectomy after a long period of treatment. After her mum went through with the procedure my friend was told that there was a 60% likelihood that she would be diagnosed within the next ten years and has been considering having a mastectomy as a preventative measure but shes completely torn between "destroying her own body and never being attractive again" and potentially saving her own life.

Testimonial 1

Testimonial 2.

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